Features Of Google Analytics That Are Useful For Ecommerce Platforms

3 min read

For anyone who runs an online business, Google Analytics can be a very useful analytics tool to help get a complete idea of how the online business is performing.  Despite these features, a lot of people are oblivious to them and end up not completely making use of Google Analytics. For anyone who wants to make the most out of Google Analytics, here are some of the most important features relating to ecommerce sales report Google Analytics offers for ecommerce platforms.

1.Set Goals

Whether short term or long term, goals define limits and aspirations for any business for achieving growth. Using Google Analytics, you can set goals and these goals help you track conversions. Basically, the conversions are the amount of money you are making out of your online business.

2.Knowing what people are looking for

In order to be able to serve people what exactly they need, you need to know what they want. When you connect your site with Google Analytics, you will get a list of keywords that people look for on your website. Using this list you can find out what are people’s expectations and your site is missing.

ecommerce sales report

3.Ecommerce tracking

Using the ecommerce tracking, you’d be able to find out where you are making most profits from. All you have to do is switch to the ecommerce version and get a detailed ecommerce sales report. Ecommerce is basically to know what products are bringing most profit to your business- the popular ones. So, this is a useful feature for websites that sell products.

4.Excluding the internal traffic

As a part of taking care of your website, you and your team might be visiting your website very often. Generally, you visiting your own website would also be included in the traffic being counted. You can avoid that and get only external traffic.

5.SEO Reports

Using the Google Webmaster Tools, you can find out the keywords that are bringing your website the most traffic. Also, you can check other factors, like click rate, bounce rate, ranks for individual keywords, and top landing pages. These SEO reports are very important, since that is how you know everything that is happening on your website. However, to be able to get these SEO reports, you have to activate Google Webmaster tools on your website first.

6.Campaign Measurement

Using Google Analytics, you can find out what are the campaigns that are getting you most traffic and generating most revenue. In order to be able to set campaigns, all you have to do is build campaign URLs. You can do so using URL Builder Tool.

These are some of the amazing Google Analytics tools that come in really handy to know how your website is performing. Using all the data that you get on Google Analytics, you can take measures that will help enhance your website and drive more people to your business.

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