Facing problems? Learn some instructions to remove negative reviews on Google

3 min read

In this forthcoming world of the internet, we try to seek information about each and everything around us as faster as we can. It might be called cheating but sometimes we are so caught up in work that we want it perfect and fast. Meanwhile, we seek that, some glitches in the server results in wrong uploads of information on the internet. It all happens through a search engine. The most famous search engine today is “Google”. Google has come upfront in these past few years and is reaching the heights of online society. But we all have seen that there are a lot of misleading things on it.

When you are an entrepreneur or someone who is working online, reviews are one thing which matters most for your work. A consumer is the one who sometimes tends to leave fake or bad reviews without any reason. They do so when there is an inaccurate charge applies, product malfunctions, incorrect order and incomplete or poor service.

These reviews affect your business too in many cases. So what can you do? What are the instructions to remove negative reviews on Google?

instructions to remove negative reviews on Google

Here are they-

1) Planning the response: First thing is to not become emotional and reply to the reviews. You should listen to what your consumer has written and reply according to in a professional way to deal with the problem.

2) Determining the authenticity of the reviews: Sometimes there are multiple fraud comments too. It might be any person who wants your business to go down. That is why you should keep tabs on your consumers if whether they have commented before or not.

3) How to reply to such fake/fraud reviews: You should make your consumers believe that you are the best at customer service.

  • Reply to their comments as soon as possible.
  • Let them know that you understand their point and grievances.
  • Verify their review if the problem they are claiming is true or fake.
  • Leave your contact details such as business e-mail Id and request them to contact you if they have any further issues or queries.
  • At last, flag the comment for future references.

4) Flagging the review:

  • Log into your Google My business account.
  • Go to the reviews section.
  • Find the particular review you are looking for.
  • Flag it.

5) Your expression says it all: Be patient and learn the issue. Act wisely and professionally with your costumes. Never become too overwhelmed by the situation and react inappropriately being emotional.

Sometimes people go too far and give way too harsh reviews and Google doesn’t help you with it. You need to be precautious on top of everything. Deal with such bad reviews very carefully.

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